Horizontal Architecture, 2 and 3-floor Horizontal Use, extraordinary location and Unlimited Valley View, in our opinion. The house should offer your children the safe neighborhood environment of your childhood. Everything you need, street shops and wide amenities is right next to you and within walking distance. Confidence and peace, 1st Stage 32, 2nd Stage 80 limited number of Artea Bahçeşehir Houses, Calm and peaceful It has a safe environment. The site has closed circuit security cameras at many points and It is under 24/7 protection with professional security guards. Facilities and social areas on site For security reasons, Artea is only open to Bahçeşehir residents. The old concept of safe neighborhood, where everyone knows each other, lives and is kept alive here. Cares about the Environment and the Future, 12-Storey Villa and Common Area for Environmentally Friendly Electric Vehicle With the possibility of charging an electric vehicle, Min. We provide 2 Vehicle Spaces. Special Interior Architectural Solutions, Every detail has been thoughtfully thought out. In the project that reveals its difference with its architecture, luxury You will feel comfort and comfort every day with ArteA+ in houses with a ceiling height of 3 meters. In Artea Bahçeşehir, while all rooms open to the garden, away from clean air and noise pollution, peaceful moments await you. Right next to you, with 160.000 m2 green nature, Nation’s garden, 10.000 m2 Playground and Planned Private Hospital, private and public schools, kindergartens and educational facilities primarily designed for students.